Te Tauihu o Te-Waka-a-Māui


VOLLEYBALL TASMAN INCORPORATED (VTI) is required to annually pay an Affiliation Fee to the national body – VOLLEYBALL NEW ZEALAND (VNZ). 

The annual Fee is for the period 01 January - 31 December and permits players and teams from our region to participate in all relevant VNZ events and activities. The VNZ fee is determined by population and is $2300.00 (incl. GST) for the Top of the South (Tasman). In past years, a large portion of this VNZ fee was recuperated through the Tasman Member Clubs.

In 2021 the Tasman Volleyball (TVA) Executive resolved that a VTI Affiliation Fee be established and is payable by both Clubs and the Colleges in the region. The Fees collected would in part pay the VNZ Affiliation Fee.

With the formalising of Volleyball Tasman (VTI), the 2022 Executive approved the attached Schedule of VTI Affiliation Fees which now also includes the Nelson Bays district Intermediate Schools. It is agreed with the growth of volleyball in Nelson Bays, the players from these schools also benefit from many activities provided under the SPIKER umbrella of competition and representation.

The Schedule shows the distribution of the Fee for 2022 as approved by the VTI Executive. Appropriately Invoices will be sent in February annually for payment by 20th March.